Monday, August 19, 2013

All the difference in the world

This blog is supposed to be about my journey through these 3 1/2 years and what I learn, how I grow, and how I strive to make a difference in this world. But this time, I want to write about someone who made a difference in my world. In a way, she opened the door for both of these blogs, because she helped change my thinking, whether she realizes it or not. 
          It was May, 2010. We had just concluded Preschool Graduation at the Mother's Day Out I taught at, and were celebrating with a cookout luncheon. Everyone had eaten, and I sat chatting with the mom of one of my students. Like most teachers and parents, our conversations had often been about her child and his progress. But that afternoon, w got to talking about ourselves. I don't even know how, but we got on the topic of me, specifically, and my singleness, a status I was beginning to be annoyed with. During our surprising heart to heart, she said these words, which I will never forget: "Maybe you need to make Jesus your boyfriend." I had never thought about it that way, but I liked the way it sounded. Over the next couple years, I began to truly fall in love with Jesus. I had loved and followed him for years, but I fell in love with him again. 
         After talking to her for quite a while, I went home feeling encouraged. At that point, her family was planning to move within a few months, and I had resigned at the MDO, so I thought I would never see her again. That made me sad - I had a new friend, that wasn't going to be around. But I still thanked God for her and for that conversation, and I knew that he had placed her there at that time to speak those words of encouragement that I needed to hear. Thankfully, she did not move, and I continue to be blessed by her friendship. At times we seem like an unlikely pair, but I know God placed her in my life at just the right time, and I am so glad! We've since talked about that day, and she has told me that she isn't exactly sure why she said what she said. But I know why: she was listening and open when God prompted her to say what I needed to hear. I only hope I can be that attentive and obedient and make a difference in someone's life in the same way.