It was May, 2010. We had just concluded Preschool Graduation at the Mother's Day Out I taught at, and were celebrating with a cookout luncheon. Everyone had eaten, and I sat chatting with the mom of one of my students. Like most teachers and parents, our conversations had often been about her child and his progress. But that afternoon, w got to talking about ourselves. I don't even know how, but we got on the topic of me, specifically, and my singleness, a status I was beginning to be annoyed with. During our surprising heart to heart, she said these words, which I will never forget: "Maybe you need to make Jesus your boyfriend." I had never thought about it that way, but I liked the way it sounded. Over the next couple years, I began to truly fall in love with Jesus. I had loved and followed him for years, but I fell in love with him again.
After talking to her for quite a while, I went home feeling encouraged. At that point, her family was planning to move within a few months, and I had resigned at the MDO, so I thought I would never see her again. That made me sad - I had a new friend, that wasn't going to be around. But I still thanked God for her and for that conversation, and I knew that he had placed her there at that time to speak those words of encouragement that I needed to hear. Thankfully, she did not move, and I continue to be blessed by her friendship. At times we seem like an unlikely pair, but I know God placed her in my life at just the right time, and I am so glad! We've since talked about that day, and she has told me that she isn't exactly sure why she said what she said. But I know why: she was listening and open when God prompted her to say what I needed to hear. I only hope I can be that attentive and obedient and make a difference in someone's life in the same way.